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Money Saving Tips For Shopping

10 April 2013

Money Saving Tips For Shopping: Money saving tips are useful to bear in mind when shopping. It is important to live economically. Do not buy things that you do not need and do not try and keep up with “the Joneses”. Everyone has different needs and therefore it is important to live according to yours and cut costs and save money where possible! 1. Plan your meals before going to the shop, as it will prevent you from buying unnecessary items. 2. Make a shopping list that coincides with your meal plan. 3. Get into the habit of cooking at home regularly, rather than eating out in order to cut costs. 4. Stop buying readymade meals and processed foods. Fresh produce is generally cheaper and healthier. 5. Use online price checking sites such as in order to compare prices and only shop at stores that sell particular items for the cheapest amount. 6. Avoid impulse buying. When considering purchasing an item, wait 30 days and thereafter question whether or not you are still interested in making the purchase. Often, the urge to buy will have passed and will therefore save you money. 7. Analyse your workday food requirements. Instead of purchasing lunch, bring sandwiches or leftovers from supper the night before. 8. Make your children’s lunch. Save money and time by getting them to help out with the process. 9. Buy in bulk alone, or even with a friend, from discount stores such as Makro. Products packaged in single packs, often cost nearly as much as multi-packaged items. Freeze items that you may not need immediately and use them at a later stage. 10. Downgrade shopping brand purchases and store selections. Dropping a brand level can help you cut costs, as branded items from popular stores such as Woolworths, are more expensive. 11. Sign up for free customer rewards programs. A rewards card will help you accumulate coupons and discounts for certain products and stores. 12. When eating out on special occasions, refer to to find the cheapest deals and the best specials. 13. Invite friends over instead of going out, as it will reduce costs and is usually just as fun. 14. Give up expensive habits, like cigarettes and alcohol. They are costly habits and give you nothing in return. 15. Shop smartly. Buy quality goods when it counts. 16. Take advantage of seasonal sales, but do not buy unnecessary extra produce simply because it’s on sale. Follow the above money saving tips for shopping and cut costs and save money.

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