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DebtBusters On Boarding, Control and Support Team does Outstanding Job for Clients

26 February 2018

Celebrating the client onboarding, control and support teams 

The DebtBusters Client On-Boarding, Control and Support Teams have accomplished outstanding results over the last two months, saving clients over R350 000.

This specialist Client Services team focuses on various investigative projects into credit agreements and their great results have further empowered clients and contributed to their financial wellbeing.

DebtBusters commends this team for going above and beyond, and for the big impact they make on each individual client they help.

The team has seen several successes over the last two months, but there are a few cases in particular that stand out.

Among these are:

  • A write off of R80 000 on a single bank loan for a client due to being charged incorrect interest and fees.
  • More than R200 000 written off for various clients due to incorrect interest rates charged and incorrect balance updates on the credit providers system.
  • R90 000 written off across six clients due to the credit provider charging incorrect interest rates.

DebtBusters urges consumers to stay alert and informed when they decide to take out credit. It is important that people do their homework and understand their rights as a consumer.

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Moreover, consumers must read and understand the whole credit agreement, including the fine print, in order to ensure the agreement is fair and that they are able to afford the monthly instalments, as well as understand the implications of the interest rate and fees attached.

Debt is usually a long term commitment and people need to be prepared and equipped to take this on. If anything is unclear to the consumer, it is important that they seek assistance in understanding what they are agreeing to, even if this assistance comes from a third party such as a financial advisor.

The Client On Boarding, Control and Support team hope to see many more successful cases this year and will keep working to serve the best interests of DebtBusters clients.

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